Until the mind is trained, it will continue to go its own way because it is the nature of an untrained mind to wander
Most of us would like to have a mind that cannot be upset by anything; we would like to achieve emotional stability. When the mind is uncontrolled, we don't think our thoughts – our thoughts think us.
What we need is to train our minds to live in the present moment, and to focus our attention to whatever we are doing in that moment. Attention can be trained and no skill in life is greater than to be able to direct attention at will. One pointed attention can be most rewarding in personal relationships.
When we live in the present moment, we are totally alive. But in order to live fully in the present moment means that we must train ourselves to live without hurry. Living without hurry is a skill that everyone can learn - it is a skill, not a gift and that means it can be learned. Skills grow through practice!
Find methods that anyone can practice to learn how to slow down the mind and live in the present moment. Practice techniques like Mindful Meditation to live a fuller and healthier life.