

Every so often a song will come on that just really gets me – where I feel it all through me. At times like this Im often inspired to dance and just feel grateful that music exists that can make me feel so good! I thought I’d share today’s inspiration.

Kreol from Kreol

Today I am listening to Kreol, a song by an exceptional guy from Cape Verde, Mario Lucio. An innovator in Cape Verdean music, he has explored the archipelago’s traditional musical roots while creating complex and original arrangements that take the music to a new place. Definitely one of the most interesting contemporary artists from Cape Verde. He has also written award-winning fiction and poetry, composed music for dance, films… He is most well known as the band leader of the Cape Verdean group Simentera and as a well respected song writer, having worked with Cesaria Evora, Lura and others.
Kreol is from his latest solo album also called Kreol. Like many other great artists, not all of his recordings are good, but there are definitely a few great tracks on his latest two albums (Kreol and Badya).

Pretty Down from Badyo

Check out his website to learn more about him:
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