
Quotes - Nisargadatta

"I am" itself is God.
The seeking itself is God.
In seeking, you discover that you
are neither the body nor the mind,
and the love of the self in you
is for the self in all.
The two are one.

The consciousness in you
and the consciousness in me,
apparently two, really one,
seek unity, and that is love.

- Nisargadatta

"Take the case of a young child. The sense of 'I-am' is not yet formed, the personality is rudimentary. The obstacles to self-knowledge are few, but the power and the clarity of awareness, its width and depth are lacking. In the course of years awareness will grow stronger, but also the latent personality will emerge and obscure and complicate. Just as the harder the wood, the hotter the flame, so the stronger the personality, the brighter the light generated from its destruction."


"Spiritual maturity is being ready to let go everything. Giving up is a first step, but real giving-up is the insight that there's nothing to be given up, since nothing is your property."

- Nisargadatta

"Throw out all your talking, concepts and words! After all, what is the mind? It is just the noise that goes on inside. With waking begins the chattering, and the talk goes on endlessly thereafter. This is your mind and you run after it"

- Nisargadatta, The Nectar of the Lord's Feet

"I see what you too could see, here and now, but for the wrong focus of your attention.You give no attention to your self. Your mind is all with things, people and ideas, never with your self. Bring your self into focus, become aware of your own existence. See how you function, watch the motives and results of your actions. Study the prison you have built around yourself, by inadvertence." 
- Nisargadatta

"There's nothing from which the world could profit more than from giving up profit. A man who's no longer thinking in terms of winning and loosing is truly non-violent man, since he's above all conflicts." 
- Nisargadatta

"To one who really understands what has been said here, a dream is no different from what is seen in the waking state: both are plays of consciousness . . . We call one the waking state, the other the dream . . . but in essence, both are events happening in the consciousness and essentially they are not different."

- Nisargadatta Maharaj

"What precisely did you want from him?"

"Self-realization. I wanted to know how I was put together. I said: 'I have heard that you are the greatest ego killer who exists. And that is what I want.'

"He said: 'I am not a killer. I am a diamond cutter. You are also a diamond. But you are a raw diamond and you can only be cut by a pure diamond. And that is very precise work, because if that is not done properly then you fall apart into a hundred pieces, and then there is nothing left for you.'"

From: Interview with Alexander Smith

"This dwelling on the sense 'I am' is the simple, easy and natural Yoga, the Nisarga Yoga. There is no secrecy in it and no dependence; no preparation or initiation is required. Whoever is puzzled by his very existence as a conscious being and earnestly wants to find his own source, can grasp the ever-present sense of 'I am' and dwell on it assiduously and patiently, till the clouds obscuring the mind dissolve and the heart of being is seen in all its glory."

Maurice Frydman