Guadalupe River - International Crane Foundation:

Both Whooping Cranes and blue crabs depend on the health of the Guadalupe River, which
feeds freshwater into the coastal marshes along the Gulf of Mexico. Photo by Mik

Both Whooping Cranes and blue crabs depend on the health of the Guadalupe River, which
feeds freshwater into the coastal marshes along the Gulf of Mexico. Photo by Mik
"On their wintering grounds along the Gulf Coast of Texas, Whooping Cranes feed almost exclusively on blue crabs (below). The coastal marshes provide excellent habitat for the crabs if salinity levels remain moderate, which is determined primarily by the amount of freshwater flowing into the coastal waters from the Guadalupe River basin.
When freshwater is reduced, due to drought or use of the river's water upstream, fewer crabs are available for Whooping Cranes. In such cases, the cranes weaken, resulting in higher mortality on their wintering grounds and fewer chicks on their breeding grounds in Canada the following spring. How will this affect the future of this endangered species?"
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When freshwater is reduced, due to drought or use of the river's water upstream, fewer crabs are available for Whooping Cranes. In such cases, the cranes weaken, resulting in higher mortality on their wintering grounds and fewer chicks on their breeding grounds in Canada the following spring. How will this affect the future of this endangered species?"
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