


Trina McNeilly — La La Lovely

Trina McNeilly La La Lovely

My Life As A Blog Guest Post By . . .

Blogger: Trina McNeilly

Blog: La La Lovely

Twitter: @lalalovelythngs

While on vacation, in sunny Tucson, with a Domino magazine in hand, my design deprived self stumbled upon the world of blogs. And — my heart skipped a beat. Truth be told, I had no idea what a blog was, I didn’t know I liked design that much, and the thought of making friends on the internet never even crossed my mind (but if it had, I would assure you, I would only think it to be kind of creepy).

But here I am, 4 years later, and blogging kind of feels like my middle name. Hi, I’m Trina Blogging McNeilly. Today, I’m a full on blogger, design junkie and I have a bunch of real life Internet friends.

The thing you should know about me is that, even before blogging, I always looked for lovely things and ever since I can remember, I loved to write. I just didn’t know what to do with the lovely when it landed in my lap. After seeing that one fateful blog (which was like the biggest shot of pretty in one little peek), I knew then and there that I had found a new virtual home for myself and a medium for capturing lovely things and playing with words everyday. It was often that a friend would seek me out for advice on where to buy a really great gift, my favorite place to eat or shop in certain cities and my take on design. Now I had a place to organize all of my finds and favorite things.

Naturally, I thought starting a blog was a pretty great idea. I had a name, la la Lovely, which sort of just picked me (I’ve always loved the word lovely, especially if said in a British accent, which I’m quite fluent in. And if you knew me you’d know I’m, obviously, just a little bit “la la”). But, here I was a bit mushy brained, at home with little ones and not so sure of myself. I was not the mom who was trying desperately not to loose herself. I was the girl, turned mom, who was still trying to find herself. But, I went for it anyway. And little did I know that blogging is where I would end up finding myself. A “me” that I would have never found hiding behind the diapers and the duty. So as a lot of others say, blogging helped save their life, it kind of helped me find mine.

I find that there is so much lovely out there. Lovely places, lovely spaces, lovely food, lovely clothes, lovely art, lovely ideas and of course lovely people. And I want to, almost have to, share these things. Sometimes just looking at a pretty picture is just enough to push someone over the edge of inspiration into some form of action. Other times, it simply just brings a smile on a bad day. Even though there is lovely floating around everywhere, the truth is, life can, sometimes, be far less than lovely. And, I sometimes like to write about those things too. Although, I want to provide content that is informative, I want, even more, to relate with readers and have an ongoing conversation. I want them to know that, although I just posted about a gorgeous living room and my high hopes to redecorate mine, the truth is, my laundry room is filled with a mountain of clothes, and I also have a pile of 24 dirty diapers that need to go out to the trash, and oh, my son just threw up Oreos everywhere (true story).

In the midst of their crazy everyday and mine, I love to end the conversation with: “But look at this outrageously gorgeous photograph. I promise it will take the edge off.” Living gracefully in the midst of not so lovely times is true loveliness. I want to be as positive, encouraging and as real as I can. No matter what kind of day you might be having, my hope is to leave others with small piece of lovely to tuck away in their pocket and hold onto for those not so lovely moments. And this has been the very thing that has kept me coming back day after day for 4 years.

Besides becoming more myself, this world of blogging has brought me a load of lovely: new friends, real life friends, indispensable ideas, awe-inspiring inspiration, continual quality conversation, a wealth of information and some pretty fabulous opportunities. My life is, certainly, la la lovelier because of blogging.

I hope you enjoyed Trina’s post, which is part of an on-going series on Blogstar. If you would like to contribute your own My Life As A Blog post, please email me at sbrydenbrown[at]gmail[dot]com.

My Life As a Blog