
Clutter cannot be organized

Types of Clutter Behavior

If your problem is being disorganized, you need to know what clutter type you are to figure out the right solution.

Expert organizer Peter Walsh explains the main types of problem clutter behaviors and what each should do to get organized.

1. Behind-Closed-Doors 

Do you go to great lengths to hide your mess from visitors?

For example, you stuff all your clutter in your spare bedroom and don't let anyone see it, so they are none the wiser?

There are two types of people who do this:
1. perfectionists and
2. people who just don't think it's worth it to be organized.

For the perfectionists, they think if they can't do it perfectly, they're not going to do it.

The people who don't think it's worth the effort simply don't think it's a priority and it doesn't impact their life in a big way.

Solution: First, "get over yourself!" said the organization expert.

Second, get a friend and make decluttering a fun activity.

But don't ask someone in the family or who lives in the same house as you to help because that can cause tension, warns Walsh.

Make sure you offer to help this friend to declutter their place.

Third, start small so that it's not overwhelming.

2. Knowledge 

You have endless piles of magazines, books, and more. 

Don't beat yourself up over missing out on special tips, because Walsh jokes that there are only three original ideas in the world and magazines print them over and over again.

Sooner or later, you'll come across the same information again.

Solution: Walsh only keeps two back issues of a magazine, and if he decides to keep a new issue, he will throw away an old one so he will only have two copies of the magazine.

As for books, if your shelf is full, make sure every time you buy a book, you give one book away. 

Decide which ones are important to you and keep those.

3. Sentimental 

You are the memory clutterer, and you love to hoard items that remind you of important people, events, or achievements in your past.

Solution: Shift your mind-set. 

Pick three or four treasures "that make your heart sing."

Walsh only kept one thing from his father, his old war medals.

Figure out what you want to keep and how to display it in your home.

Then take photographs of all the rest and let them go.


4. Bargain Shopper 

A steal means something worth buying...right? 

You're probably a bargain clutterer if you think that way or when your life becomes about the "quantity of stuff versus quality of life."

Solution: The organizer recommends to look at the reasons behind your shopping frenzy — because there is one.

Spend your time in a different and meaningful way, such as involving yourself in a charity or taking up a hobby.

And live by Walsh's rule: 

"If price is the best thing about something, you should not buy it."


Living a cluttered life can weigh you down emotionally and cause strife between you and others. 

Take steps to do away with the mess in your life for good.

Your physical surroundings will be cleaner and you will feel better emotionally.  Pride  of accomplishment will replace the shame of hyperactive consumer behavior overwhelming your living space.

by SavvySugar on 22 November 2012
The 4 Types of Clutterers: Which One Are You? | Wise Bread