
Seven Habits of Highly Effective ADHD Adults

Managing Adult ADD without resorting to drugs is considered possible.

Seven Habits of Highly Effective ADHD Adults

1. Do what you’re good at. Don’t spend too much time trying to get good at what you’re bad at. You did enough of that in school.

2. Delegate what you’re bad at to others, as often as possible.

3. Connect your energy to a creative outlet.

4. Get well enough organized to achieve your goals. The key here is “well enough.” That doesn’t mean you have to be very well organized at all — just well enough organized to achieve your goals.

5. Ask for and heed advice from people you trust — and ignore, as best you can, the dream-breakers and finger-waggers.

6. Make sure you keep up regular contact with a few close friends.

7. Go with your positive side. Even though you have a negative side, make decisions and run your life with your positive side.




Edward Hallowell, M.D., Ed.D., is a child and adult psychiatrist, a NY Times bestselling author, a world-renowned speaker, and a leading authority in the field of ADHD. He is a graduate of Harvard College and Tulane Medical School and a faculty member at Harvard Medical School for more than 20 years. He is also the founder of the Hallowell Centers in New York and Boston.

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Current News

50 Tips for ADHD Management by Drs. Hallowell and Ratey
January 10, 2013 – Parker Chiropractic Seminar, Dr. Hallowell Keynote Speaker!
December 6, 2012 – Dr. Hallowell to Speak at The Community School, Inc. Hackensack, NJ – How to Help Children Find Their Groove
December 3, 2012: Dr. Hallowell in Reading, MA. Finding the Buried Treasure in ADHD and other Learning Disabilities.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective ADHD Adults


Other Experts:

Nancy A. Ratey is internationally recognized as one of the foremost authorities on personal and professional coaching for adults with and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 
 Having dyslexia and ADHD herself, Ms. Ratey engineered her own road to success. 
Ms. Ratey often collaborates with her husband, Dr. John Ratey, M.D., a world-renowned researcher and neuro-psychiatrist, and the acclaimed author of A User’s Guide to the Brain and the recently released Spark, as well as co-author of the national best seller Driven to Distraction. She lives in Wellesley, MA with her husband and two dogs
